Lifestyle interventions are extremely powerful so although we cannot change the gene we can influence whether the less than optimal gene is switched on or not.
Your genes are not your destiny. In fact studies using identical twins with autoimmunity have shown that the risk of getting an autoimmune disease is only 25% dependant on genetics and 75% dependant on environmental factors.
We have 20,000 genes ( which are found in our DNA) in the human body. These give instructions to every cell in the body, a change or “Variation” can occur in these instructions, these are referred to as SNPs (pronounced SNIPS) which is short for Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms.
Each SNP represents differences in a nucleotide ( a building block of DNA), some have no effect, others do. Each test will look at specific SNPS and tell you if you have a variation and whether this confers a benefit or not.